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Young Lab and Turner Lab, PhD Student

Eco-evolutionary feedbacks, population genetics, nutrient cycling, resource gradients.

Fun fact: Proud member of the Night Owl Book Club.

Disturbance ecology, fire ecology, community structure.

Fun fact: Originally from the Pacific Northwest, and excessively proud of it.

Anthropogenic effects on ecosystems and phenotypes of fishes, mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity.

Fun fact: I am an international student from Latvia but did my undergrad and MSc in the US. I love fitness, blueberries, all vegetables and coffee. I get excited easily about awesome things.

Community ecology, plant-pollinator interactions, trophic cascades.

Fun fact: Strong advocate for reducing the size of cilantro bunches sold in grocery stores.

Amphibian conservation, theoretical disease ecology, spatial modeling, statistical methods.

Fun fact: Likes to do impressions, but only of Porgs.

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